6 Tips For Keeping Your Spirits Up And Your Head In The Game During the Holidays

BAM! Be A Man. Man Stress

The holidays are a very stressful and challenging time for all of us. There is no end to the things that distract us and grab and demand our attention at this time of the year. Even before the holiday season starts and once we have that inner feeling that the summer season is really over, the back of our mind is starting to build the concerns about the coming winter. The gears in our mind are already grinding away about our horrible diet and possible weight gain, dealing with annoying family members, work issues, money or the lack of it, the weather, issues with our partner and children and all manner of other things.

These days, many of the concerns that we have are legitimate and real. The truth is that life will always be throwing us the curve ball every now and then. Even in normal circumstances every day life is hard and complicated. Throughout it all, we need to find the ways to stay and be strong and get through it all as best as we can. There is some good news (No, we cannot make it all go away or have you disappear): Even with all these concerns, there are ways that you can keep your spirits up, your head in the game and stay focused during the holidays.

You’ve Heard It A Thousand Times, But It Starts With You.
The strength that you need must come from within you. Even with all of life’s possible hardships, you can have moments of good and even greatness during the busiest of times of the year by making a few positive choices. Strength comes from within, and choosing to take control of your life, as much as you can, brings you both the confidence and strength that you will need to get through it. During the holiday season, it can seem like life is about to go completely of the rails at any given moment. There’s always one more thing that needs your attention and to take care of and do. To top it off, since everyone else is dealing with their own issues, at this time of year, it can certainly feel like people are generally more demanding of your time and energy.

Taking some small steps and making some small changes in your routine can help you find your inner strength and resilience to get through it.

Follow these steps to protect and preserve your mental health during the holidays:

1. Remember The Value Of A Bit Of Personal Quiet Time.
One of the biggest stressors you may have to deal with when the holidays are in full swing is the lack of personal time. It’s easy to get wrapped up in everyone else’s need and drama and not take any time for yourself. Retreat to your man cave for a bit. Take time for yourself so you have the energy to pour into others. But know that you will have to come back out!

2. Throughout The Day Take A Few Minutes To Decompress, Unwind And Catch Your Breath.
You know what? It can be as simple as heading to the bathroom for a few minutes.
You’ll be happier and more interested in doing things with others.

3. Make The Time To Pursue Your Interests
You can pray, meditate, exercise, or just sit and watch some television or read a book. Maybe not everyday, but two to three times in a week, make the time for the things you like to do. No matter what you do in your downtime, remember that having that time is crucial for maintaining your wellbeing.

4. Remember, The Hectic Holiday Season is Only Temporary
The holidays can and for most of us do require more of our time and effort, but the season will pass. Keep your head up when you’re doing all the extra things you have to do. Most of those extras will only be required for a few weeks. Then things will be back to a more normal routine and your life can return to the “some semblance of order” that you are accustomed to.

5. Prioritize And Have A Checklist Of The Things That Need To Be Done.
You know this. But when things get extra hectic, we tend to fall into a more reactive mode of operation. Write down the things that need to be done and take a moment to prioritize them. As best as you can you need to know what needs to be done and when. Use a diary, your phone, or Google Calendar and Task List to make sure that you stay one top of what you need to do. Forgetting to do something will only add to the stress this time of year brings. Staying on top of things will help to alleviate some of that stress.

6. Do The Things You’d Normally Do When The Holidays Are Over.
Incorporate more of your usual life into the holiday schedule. That way, you’ll feel more focused and your routine will be more familiar to you.

For example, consider:

  • Exercising each day to stay fit and work off accumulated stress
  • Getting your work done on time, so you’re not frustrated and overly busy at home
  • Keeping your home clean and in order, so you have less to do after the holidays are over
  • Eating right to stay fit and to provide your body with the fuel it needs for energy
  • Planning something special so you can restore some calm to your life and have something to look forward to after the holidays are over.

There are plenty of ways you can keep your mental health strong. You can even say affirmations to yourself each day in order to help maintain a positive attitude. It sounds silly, we know and you will probably feel silly at first, but you’ll soon see the benefits of incorporating positive thinking into your daily routine. Take a few minutes each morning when you get up and before you go to bed to say some good things about yourself and what you were able to accomplish that day or the previous day.

Your mental health and strength is obviously very important to you and to the people who rely on you. we need to be there for ourselves and for everyone else. Because of that, you must keep yourself fresh, energized and with your head in the game during the holidays. 

Be sure to make some time for yourself to regroup and recharge. Take those few minutes you need throughout the day to get your thoughts in order. Check your list to make sure nothing is overlooked or forgotten. Focusing on what matters to you and paying attention to what’s really important goes a long way towards keeping yourself mentally strong and healthy and dare we say, ready for more.

You can do this. Will it be hard? Yes, probably. Accept the fact that if nothing else, it won’t be easy, but also know that you can get through it.



BAM! Be A Man. Do The Right Thing. Take Care Of Yourself And Your Family. Happy Holidays!


BAM! Be A Man. Do The Right Thing.

Be The DtRTy Guy!

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