6 Ways To Give Your Creativity A Shot In The Arm

BAM! Be A Man. Pause. Breathe. Ponder. Choose. Do.

It’s getting closer and closer to whatever deadline that you are up against. All day long you’ve been wrestling with the same problem. You’ve been through all the obvious solutions, and none of them have worked out for you. You’ve come to the point where you realize that you need to think outside the box on this one – to be creative. But you’ve got nothing, your drawing up blanks and you’re fast running out of time to present the answer. Your stress level rises, and you find yourself well and truly blocked.

The above situation happens to the best of us. In our day-to-day life when needing to be creative, there’s nothing worse than coming up short just when you need creativity the most. The most frustrating this is that you know that you can solve the problem and yet, here you are, stuck with no end in sight and no light at the end of the tunnel. Artists are well-familiar with the phenomena. There isn’t a writer that hasn’t suffered writer’s block or an artist that hasn’t eyed that empty canvas with a certain feeling of dread.

Thankfully there are ways to give creativity that booster shot in the arm when you may need it the most.

Read on for some great ideas that will get you going and able to find creative solutions once again!

1. Take Some Time To De-Stress.

The more stressed you are, the less you’re able to think, much less think creatively. Our brains aren’t at all that great at working out problems when we’re stressed out. So it’s best to take some time off, relax and do something else. Exercise, listen to music, read a book, take a short nap.

The solution will be there waiting for you when you’re relaxed enough to see it.

2. Quit Putting Yourself Down.

Hating on yourself when you have a block is only going to make things worse. It’s true that we come to believe what we say about ourselves. Solve this issue by trying more positive statements like: “I am creative.” “I will find the solution.” and “I can do this!”

3. Quit Expecting So Much Of Yourself.

Looking for perfection is the surest way to fail. Start with looking for a solution – any solution. It could be that your crazy or even silly idea is the jumping off point you need to find the answer that you have been looking for. Our minds are amazing things and there is no telling when one silly idea will actually lead to the idea that you have been looking for.

4. Try Something New.

Occupy your mind with something that you may not have ever done before.

By experimenting with new art, involving yourself in a new sport, or going somewhere you’ve never been before, you engage your brain along different neural pathways and see the world in ways that you haven’t before. Even if you are not consciously aware of this, your mind is always busy making connections in ways that logically may make no sense at all. So, now may be the best time to try that new thing that you’ve always wanted to do!

5. Keep An Idea Journal.

By making lists of things you find interesting or writing down ideas the second you think of them, you train yourself to spot creative ideas. That should be a physical journal, so you can doodle in the margins and scribble whatever comes to mind. Keep it handy, so you always have it when creativity strikes.

6. Keep An Open Or, Otherwise Occupied Mind

The above list are all things that you can do that can lead you to where you need to be – Having an open mind. Easier said than done, of course. If it was so easy, you probably wouldn’t be reading this list.

Obviously, by open mind it is meant to be willing to consider alternative ideas that you may not have considered before. Many of the items above can help you to think outside the box and lead you to the alternative ideas.

It can also mean that you occupy your mind with something trivial so that at some deep place in your brain, the answer may be being formulated without you even knowing it.

How many times, has an idea come to you seemingly out of nowhere and as you consider how good of an idea that it is, you also are wondering to yourself, “Wow! That is so obvious now. Why didn’t I think of that before?”

This is what having an open mind can offer you. The answers that may even surprise yourself!

Creativity cannot be forced or turned on at moments notice. Generally, the creativity that we want to have needs to somehow show itself organically. Give your mind the time and space it needs to solve problems. More often than not, it will.


If you use this list as a starting point, you’re sure to find your creative juices flowing once again.

Remember that creativity can often be about experimentation, so adjust these ideas to what works for you.

The point is not to give up. Take a breather if needed, but keep at it and the creative spark will come back to you. And you will be able to creatively solve the problem that you have been facing.

Be A Man – Do The Right Thing. Allow Yourself The Space And Time For Creative Streaks To Organically Present Themselves.

BAM!!! Be A Man! Do The Right Thing.

Be the DtRTy Guy

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