7 Lifestyle Tips For Erectile Dysfunction

BAM! Be A Man. Avoid Erectile Dysfunction.

If you have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, or you just want to prevent this condition from happening to you at all, the following lifestyle tips may be just what you’re looking for!

A major aspect of manhood can be tied to our virility and sexual performance. As young adults erections are often and plenty. The joke goes that for a post pubescent young man, a light breeze can be enough to induce arousal and an erection. When we are young, it does not take much.

As we get older, as life creeps up on us both physically and mentally, a toll can be taken on our ability to get it up and keep it up.

Many of the factors that can affect negatively affect our ability to become aroused come from the lifestyle choices that we have made that abuse and deteriorate our body and therefore our ability to maintain and even have an erection.

As Always, Do What you Can

As with all aspects of our life that it is in within our power and control and that we are able to do something to help make better, improve or maintain them, we must do something about them.

Here are some things that you can do to help yourself to be able to continue to enjoy and active sex life, please yourself and hopefully to continue to please your partner.

1. Start Walking – Walk A Mile Or Two

One of the best and safest ways to boost sexual performance is to walk for two miles regularly. A study revealed that walking helps obese men lower their risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction or reverse their condition of being impotent.

Spending time on a physical activity, such as walking, is of paramount importance! If you can maintain a healthy weight, it’s a great start to preventing erectile dysfunction. Research shows that obese or overweight men face a 50% risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED).

Even if not overweight, improved aerobic fitness will benefit your whole body health, and certainly help with sexual function.

2. Start Doing Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are definitely not just an exercise designed for women. Men who engage in Kegel exercises have been found to regain their normal erectile function.

Kegel exercises help strengthen a man’s bulbocavernosus muscle for improved blood circulation to help him achieve better ejaculation. These pelvic exercises also help prevent incontinence. This is because men can empty their urethra after urination more effectively.

When combined with other lifestyle modifications, kegel exercises can certainly help improve a man’s sexual health.

3. Drink Watermelon Juice

Watermelon contains high concentrations of citrulline which is an amino acid, found by experts to be beneficial for improving the blood flow to the penis. An added benefit about citrulline is that it does not provide any unwanted side effects, unlike Viagra.

A group of researchers revealed that the regular consumption of watermelon juice might help improve a man’s libido while it may also serve as a natural treatment for men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. This is made possible as the body converts citrulline from the watermelon into arginine that boosts nitric oxide to relax a man’s blood vessels. This effect is similar to what people who take Viagra experience.

4. Take Red Korean Ginseng

This herb has been known to boost a man’s potency, which is why it is commonly prescribed to men who want to improve their sexual energy.

A study showed that 60% of men who regularly took red Korean ginseng over a span of eight weeks were found to have improved their erectile ability. Besides boosting libido, red ginseng also improves stamina and decreases feelings of fatigue. These sexual benefits of red Korean ginseng can be attributed to its active ingredient called ginsenosides.

5. Eat Plenty Of Plant-Based Foods

According to another study, men who adhered to a healthy eating plan which included plenty of vegetables and fruits, and moderate amounts of fish, were found to have a risk reduction in developing erectile dysfunction. It is also equally important to reduce the consumption of processed foods, red meat, and refined grains.

6. Vitamin B12

It would also be wise to check that you’re not deficient in vitamin B12 because several studies have revealed that a deficiency in B12 can increase a man’s risk of erectile dysfunction. Cooked clams, beef liver, mackerel, and fortified cereals can be your excellent sources of vitamin B12.

7. Some Other Things To Keep In Check

Keep your blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels in check as your vascular health can largely affect your sexual health. If your blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure are not within optimal ranges, you may increase your risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction.


If you can make your life better, if there are things that you can do, within your power and control to do them why wouldn’t you do them?

There are some simple steps that you can take to end or avoid Erectile Dysfunction (ED). For the benefit of your physical, mental and romantic health, do them.

Of course, if you need professional help, then get it. But be sure to do at least some of the things, if not all of the things that you can do to help yourself out.

Be A Man – Do The Right Thing. Take Care Of Yourself. Take Care Of Your Body So that You Can Have A Healthy, Active And Pleasurable Sex Life.

BAM!!! Be A Man! Do The Right Thing.

Be the DtRTy Guy

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