BAM! Be A Man

Do The Right Thing


It’s Time To Be The DtRTy Guy!!!

Why The BAM! Website Is Needed, Was Created And Is Important For Men And For The People That Love Them.

Simple: The DtRTy Guy is The Do The Right Thing Guy – You. Yes, you! You can be the guy that does the right thing. Why not? Why shouldn’t we be the guy that does the right thing? Activate your inner man, get your hands DtRTy and begin your journey!

These days in many media outlets and, perhaps, especially in social media, we men are getting a bad rap.

We men are being labeled as bad men and even as TOXIC.  Some things that men do are said to come from Toxic Masculinity. In case you weren’t sure toxic means very bad. Toxic is not good in any way. And yes, some of us men are justifiably being called bad and toxic because some of us men are acting toxically. Some of us men are not doing the right thing – at all.

Most of us men are good and decent men. Most of us men are happy and proud to be a man. Many men throughout history have done some truly horrible things, but many more of us men have also done and accomplished some really great and amazing things as well.

Many of the great things that exist in our world have come from men being men – From men being masculine.

Because of our inherent and natural masculine traits men have designed, built, painted, sculpted, and wrote some of the worlds most greatest and remarkable things.

Why climb the mountain?  Because it is there.

Most of us men do not need to be apologizing for being a man.

Most of us men have nothing to apologize for.

Many of men are good decent men.

But, if we are going to stop apologizing then we need to be doing the things that will allow us that privilege.

BAM! is here to help men find their footing, rebuild their foundation of manhood and to learn to act and stand proud as good, decent and noble men.

It comes with a price.  We must earn the right to be proud.

It starts with each one of us.

Need Some Inspiration?

to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal 
that will enable you to attain the success you seek.
Mario Andretti

Okay!  I Get It.  I Commit To My Excellence!

Creator Of BAM!

Coming Soon.

The BAM! Mission:

BAM! Be A Man. Do The Right Thing.

There is a lot of talk about "Toxic Masculinity".

Arguing with those that criticize men is not the point.

Giving them less to criticize is.

The BAM! Mission: Provide Resources To Solve Issues That Affect Men Everyday