BAM! Mission Page


Be A Man. Do The Right Thing.

If you haven’t figured it out it’s in the title of this site!

The mission if BAM!!! is to get men to Be A Man and to Do The Right Thing. As we like to say we want men to be the DtRTy guy. Amen. All men.

Be A Man. Do The Right Thing.

What does this mean? What does it mean to Be A Man?


Learn Grow Lead

The BAM Mission: Provide Resources To Solve Issues That Affect Men Everyday


Enough Talk

We can talk about many different qualities that a man can have, like being nice to strangers, cats, dogs and the people that help him and of course to love his mother.

We can talk about being clean and hygienic and dressing well.

We can talk about being self sufficient and independent without being a total loner.

We can talk about the qualities that women look for in a man.

We can talk about the qualities that friends look for in a man.

We can talk about all kinds of things that men should do, be and about how men should act in the world.

We can talk and talk and if we started talking today, we could continue the conversation for hours, if not days and weeks and the months to come.


The Traits Of Men

The traits would be the following:

  • Confidence
  • Courage
  • Wisdom
  • Discipline
  • People skills
  • Drive or Ambition

And a man should most definitely have a sense of humor


It All Comes Down To...

Now all of the above traits are great traits to have. But each one if taken too far becomes more of a liability than a positive trait. And being too strong in one of the traits can offset the positive aspects of the other traits. All of the above positive traits and any others that you can think of need to be balanced. The traits need to work with each other and never against or lessening any of the others. The answer to how to find the balance between the traits comes from one of the traits listed above. Can you guess which one it is?

We’ll make it easy for you:

It’s Wisdom.

Wisdom gives us the power to be confident and to know when where what why and how to speak act and be in almost all situations. Think about it. Stories talk of the Wise of King and the Serenity Prayer’s final request is the wisdom to know the difference. And that is the answer on how to forge and balance the other traits – with the wisdom to know the difference.

Do not worry guys, wise does not have to mean old.

The saying, “wise beyond his years”, comes from young men that are considered to be very wise. And being wise is to be respected and revered. Even for young men, it is a very good thing..


The Wise Know Their Limitations

It can be said that Wisdom is life’s concoction that is made with one part knowledge and two parts experience. The mission of BAM!!! is to provide men with the one part knowledge to be be able to more efficiently gain the two parts of experience thats add up to wisdom. The two parts of experience being the “Do the Right Thing” parts that can make a man wise a man.

Lastly, wisdom allows a man to maximize his particular set of traits. As Dirty Harry said in Magnum Force, “A man’s GOT to know his limitations”.

Let us know your thoughts on wisdom.

Always Learn. Choose Wisely. Go Forth Rightly.

BAM!!! Be A Man! Do The Right Thing.

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