Catastrophic Thinking 101

BAM! Be A Man. Dark Tunnel.
Life is hard. We all know this. But it is one thing when life being hard is happening to someone else and it can be something entierly different when it is happening to us.

When someone that we know and love needs help due to a situation that is out of their control, most of us are able to be there for them and offer support to them as best as we can.

Yet, when it happens to us we can become lost and overcome by a sense of doom with no way of knowing how we will pass the challgenge that we are facing in the moment.

Yes, there is no doubt that life us hard, There can be any number of problems, tragedies and catastrophes that can happen to us at any given moment. When these events occur, we must find productive and beneficial ways through them. For many of us we fall down a rabbit hole of doom and gloom with no end in site. If we get to this place we end up in a place of Catastrophic Thinking.

What Is Catastrophic Thinking?

Catastrophic thinking is a term used to describe extreme worrying. This type of thinking can lead to a cycle of repetitive worry. Irrational thoughts can be stressful and consuming. The emotion of the moment often replaces logical thinking.

We may end up focusing on the wrong thing. Instead of trying to find a way that we can overcome or get past the issue, we end up going to the place that is unnecessarily hopeless and overly and negatively broad.

Instead of trying to find a solution, when we are in the place of catastrophic thinking, we negatively self-criticize and beat ourselves up.

Instead of asking ourselves, “What can I do to deal with this issue?”, we go extreme and say things like, “I am an idiot”, “Look at what a loser I am”, “What’s the use?” And sometimes we can go even darker and worse than that.

In most cases, and even if not readily apparent at the time, there is a usually a solution for most of life’s problems. And you are not alone. Yes, you may have to face the problem yourself, but you can get help.

When we are in a state of catastrophic thinking we close ourselves off to any possible solutions to the issues that we are facing.

This is never a good place for any of us to be in, since…

Catastrophic Thinking Can Cause:

  • Added stress
  • Increased anxiety
  • Exacerbation of existing mental health conditions
  • Loss of sleep
  • Difficulty concentrating

Catastrophic thinking can be a problem anytime, but especially during these hard times, when there is a pandemic political unrest and thousands of people are anxious and depressed.

What Can You Do To Get Back On Track?

Once you realize that you have reached the place of catastrophic thinking you must find your way back from this place.

Here are some things that you can do to help get yourself back from catastrophic thinking…

1. Reframe

Ask yourself in moments of catastrophic thinking if the thoughts you are having are logical or real. What are the odds of the thing you are worrying about actually coming true? Can this thing happen?

Is it practical to be concerned about this? Some situations are beyond your control and no matter what you do, you can’t change the outcome or situation.

Think about whether whatever that has happening or is happening something that will have an affect on your life next week, next month or even next year. Chances are that once you are through the event as it is happening, it can mostly be forgotten. Of cours, if you were the one that made a mistake, be sure to learn from it to not do it again.

Most importatnly, focus on using your energy on aspects of life that you can affect.

2. Keep A Positive Mindset

Keep it positive when confronting catastrophic thinking. Staying positive facilitates feelings of inner strength, optimism, and resilience because you believe you are strong and can handle anything. Positive thoughts affect all areas of life. Make a conscious choice to look at the positive in all things. Even when you don’t feel like it. Especially when it’s hard.

3. Self-Care

Practicing self-care ensures that you are healthy and set up to deal with difficult feelings and emotions in life. Take time for healthy activities that enrich your body and mind.

4. Change Your Environment

Your environment has a lot to do with what you think and how you feel. Change things up, begin a new routine, reach out to positive people. Read a self-help book to put your mindset towards something positive and self-supportive.

5. Mindfulness

Be in the moment. Instead of hyper focused on the future. Being mindful allows you to take a step back and observe what your thoughts and feelings are in a situation. Don’t judge the feelings either. This can help you stop the cycle of catastrophic thinking.

6. Sleep On It

Make sure you are getting enough sleep and have a routine sleep schedule. Being rested ensures you will be level headed when confronted with moments of catastrophic thinking.

Quite often a new day can bring new insights to solving or getting past a problem.

7. Connect

Share your experience and struggles with like-minded individuals. This can be friends, supportive family, or even online groups. Share highs, lows, successes, and failures. This is a great way to gain insight and comradery on your journey of life.

8. Give Yourself A Break

Cut yourself some slack when dealing with difficult feelings. Take a walk through the park, breathe in fresh air, take a yoga class, read a good book. Go easy on yourself when life is hard.

9. Take Action

Making a change to thought patterns and habits is not a quick fix. Whether it’s changing your diet, creating better self-care practices, talking to a professional or reaching out for support, remember that making changes to catastrophic thinking takes time.

If you deliberately work on these things you will find peace and change will come. Don’t despair if it takes time to change old thought patterns.

And if you are actively doing something productive and beneficial, your mind has “better” things to think about. You will be moving forward and you will start to feel better about yourself and about the situation.

10. Talk To A Doctor Or Therapist

If catastrophic thinking is a big problem that you just cannot get a handle on, or it is affecting your quality of life, or ability to get things done talk to your doctor or mental health professional.

Realizing that you need help and getting the help that you need takes courage and strength. Doing something productive about problems is a sign of maturity and strength.

You do not need to go at it alone. Talk to someone. Seek the help and advice of professionals when needed.


Now that you have these tools in your life skill toolbox, use them. The more you use these skills and techniques the more likely you will automatically handle catastrophic thoughts better should they arise. Empower yourself.

The path to despair can be short, steep, and quick. And getting to the end of that path may lead to making really poor choices with disaterous results.

Do what you need to do to manage life’s hardships as best as you can. Control your thoughts when they do happen and find ways for you to effectively deal with them.

As always, get help when it is needed.

Be A Man – Do The Right Thing. Control Your Thoughts. Avoid Despair. Always Look For Productive And Beneficial Solutions And Use Them.

BAM!!! Be A Man! Do The Right Thing.

Be the DtRTy Guy!

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