
The holidays should be a fun time but is also a busy season that is more than likely full of extra errands, travel and entertaining. This year with the stress of the Corona pandemic, the American election and the rest of the mayhem that has occurred in the past year, it is only natural to feel sapped, drained and overwhelmed. If you and your family want to make the most of these special times together, there are plenty of natural and effective ways to keep your energy levels up.
Regardless of what is going on with the rest of the world we still need to be there and show up and be present for those that we care about and this we are especially needed if we are husbands and fathers. Dependent children of any age may have an idea of what is happening in the world these days, but they do not have the maturity to deal with it or to understand why it may affect their lives especially during holidays. We should do our best to explain to them as best as we can why this years holidays may different for you and for them.
At any time of the year we need to be ready and strong for ourselves and our family. At holiday time and in the current global situation it is more important then ever that we are there for our people.
This years holiday season can be demanding and more demanding than previous years, but simple lifestyle changes are usually enough to keep you alert, energized and ready. As always but even more so, watch your diet, get plenty of rest, and manage the stress so that you’ll be ready to tackle all of the regular holiday events and requirements along with all of the rest of the things that we are dealing with this year.
There are no magic bullets here. There are no wand waving spells that can make it all go away or for it to be all better. As always, the best that we men can do is to do our best to take care of ourselves as well as we can. And as at any time of the year, the best that we can do is to take the steps and actions to allow ourselves to have a healthy body and a healthy mind.
Sleep Well
1. If Needed Find The Time To Take A Nap.
Brief naps of around 15 to 20 minutes or less will help you recharge. Try to make the time to have a a nap at least once per day, but just closing your eyes for a few minutes a few times per day can also be refreshing. Be careful about when and how long you nap. With a regular and good sleep routine it is often best to take your nap in the early afternoon as any later in the day may affect your regular sleep cycle. Try to shoot for no later then 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon..
What’s The Best Way To Take A Nap?
To get the most out of a nap, follow these tips:
1. Keep Naps Short.
2. Take Naps In The Early Afternoon.
3. Create A Restful Environment.
Mayo Clinic
Link To Mayo Clinic Nap Article
What’s The Best Way To Take A Nap?
To get the most out of a nap, follow these tips:
- Keep Naps Short. Aim to nap for only 10 to 20 minutes. The longer you nap, the more likely you are to feel groggy afterward. However, young adults might be able to tolerate longer naps.
- Take Naps In The Early Afternoon. Napping after 3 p.m. can interfere with nighttime sleep. Individual factors, such as your need for sleep, your sleeping schedule, your age and your medication use, also can play a role in determining the best time of day to nap.
- Create A Restful Environment. Nap in a quiet, dark place with a comfortable room temperature and few distractions. After Napping. Give yourself time to wake up before resuming activities — particularly those that require a quick or sharp response.
2. Watch Out For Extra Caffeine.
All of those chocolates and peppermint-flavored coffee drinks may put you over your limit for caffeine. If they’re keeping you up at night, cut back. Keep track of the amount of caffeine that you are ingesting and do not go over your usual daily limit. Extra caffeine with all of the added stress this year can lead to many sleepless nights.
Caffeine from coffee or tea may not cause any problems for some people and there are some health benefits to drinking coffee. However, ingesting too much caffeine can cause problems and is certainly not recommended for anyone.
3 Possible Side Effects Of Too Much Caffeine Are:
- Anxiety.
- Insomnia.
- Digestive Issues.
There are more side effects too.
At this time of the year we certainly do not need any extra issues to deal with. Pay attention and watch your caffeine intake.
3. Drink Alcohol In Moderation Or Even Better, Not At All.
While we are speaking about drinking, how much booze you drink is certainly something that should be mentioned. At any time, too much alcohol is not ever good for anyone.
One or two drinks to take the edge off may be okay. But keep in mind that if that is what it takes to allow you to de-stress before, after or during an event, you are using alcohol as a crutch and are not controlling yourself.
And at the end of the day, a cocktail may help you fall asleep faster but it interferes with the quality of your sleep. At least, try to avoid any alcohol within a few hours of bedtime.
Watch how much you drink. Even better try to manage without any alcoholic intake. One drink usually leads to two which can lead to too many. If nothing else, be sure to pace yourself.
4. Set A Curfew For Yourself On Internet Time And Online Shopping.
You can shop for gifts all night on the Internet but you’ll feel the effects the next day. Turn your devices off at least a couple of hours before retiring to adjust your mind and body after the mental stimulation and lighted screen.
The best practice is to leave your devices out of your bedroom. It is too easy to stay awake longer with your phone, laptop or tablet in bed with you. And the constant notifications from your phone will make it harder to fall asleep.
5. Do Your Best To Stick To A Regular Sleep Schedule.
Holiday parties and travel will more than likely interrupt your daily routines. As much as possible, as much as you can do, waking up and going to bed at the same time each day will help you stay in top form and allow you to maintain your energy.
Even if you have a day off with no real plans, it is still best to wake up that day at your usual time. If you wish to reward yourself, set the alarm for an hour later that day, but when the alarm does go off, get up, get out of bed and get going. There is always something productive that you could be doing. You can always take that 15 minute nap later on in the early afternoon.
Eat Smart
1. Avoid Big Meals And Over Eating.
Your body has to work harder to digest those huge holiday dinners. Digestion itself can sap your energy, especially if your over eat. Try to eat more slowly, limit what you eat and limit the size of your portions.
2. Go For Healthy Snacks.
Complex carbohydrates will give you energy fast. Protein provides fuel for the longer term. Make a salad of walnuts and winter greens. Have a piece of chicken with some yams.
3. Eat More Fiber.
Foods rich in fiber help your body break down carbohydrates at a steadier pace over a longer time. That gives you more stamina. Feast on whole grains, some fruits and a good amount of vegetables.
4. Stay Hydrated.
Munch on foods that are high in water content like celery sticks and grapefruit. Drink plenty of water throughout the day as well, of course. Your blood will flow more easily, transporting the oxygen and nutrients your cells need.
Remember to be drinking water throughout the day and especially before you sit down to for a meal.
5. Eat Breakfast.
You’re bound to feel fatigued unless you refuel in the morning. A healthy breakfast will also make it easier to resist fattening snacks or overeating at later meals.
Eating anything from a package or a fast food restaurant for breakfast does not count. Pastries with your coffee is not what we are going for here, either.
Google search for some fast healthy breakfast ideas. Prepare the night before if you are really pressed for time in the morning. Have a hard-boiled egg and some chicken breast with a slice of whole-wheat toast and a some vegetables. If you need to take it to go put it in a whole-wheat pita bread but go easy on the wet vegetables like tomatoes. Add some hummus or a bit of butter to add some moisture to your sandwich.
If you are a coffee drinker, use low-fat milk or even adjust to drinking your coffee black with no sugar. Those desert like coffees are not at all recommended. Your favorite creamy coffee beverage can have as many as 500 calories which is almost as many calories that are in a Big Mac! (According to the McDonalds website a Big Mac has 550 calories).
And the price of a simple black coffee is much easier on your wallet. The goal is to keep you thin and fit and not your wallet.
More Holiday Lifestyle Tips
1. Exercise Every Day.
Take into consideration that by exercise and although strongly recommended, a full daily 30 minute workout is not necessarily the goal. The goal is to move your body more. A brisk walk or other moderate aerobics will wake you up and pump more oxygen to your brain. Take the stairs at the shopping mall and park farther from the entrance.
Do whatever you do can but move more during the day. We lead sedentary lives. Most of us spend our day sitting at a desk. Get up and stretch every hour or so. And if nothing else, walk around more.
2. Clear Away The Clutter.
You’ll feel more relaxed when your surroundings are in good order. Recycle those gift wrappings, throw away the garbage and tidy up after parties to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
We are all busy at this time of the year. Don’t let things pile up. At the end of each day make some time to organize yourself and your space and to set your plan for the next day. Knowing that you are taking care of things and have a plan for the next day will let your mind be clearer and therefore you will be less stressed.
Do not forget to deal with the mail and your bills.
3. Alternate Between Tasks.
Whatever you are tasked with this season, whether it be your turn to be baking hundreds of cookies or wrapping mountains of gifts doing the same thing all at one time can be tiring. Switching off between jobs can help some.
Allot time for the task of 30 minutes and then switch it up. Even better, recruit family and friends to divide the load. If you have kids, involving them can be a great way to spend some time together.
4. Manage Your Stress.
Feeling more stress this time of year is natural. To help prevent this take a few moments for yourself. Listen to relaxing music, meditate or just have a casual conversation with friends. Those few moments can help you to decompress allowing you to be a little more at ease and confident with all that is going on. When you are feeling confident from being more at ease you can make handling all of the extra tasks much easier on yourself.
5. Focus On Some Giving.
Giving to others can be the best part of the holiday season and one of the most effective ways to stay energized. You’ll feel motivated to accomplish more with less effort when you think about making helping and benefitting others.
If you have kids, for them, the holiday season is a magical time of the year. Be sure to spend some time with them. The holiday should not only be about unwrapping gifts on Christmas day. Sing songs with them. Admire any crafts they may have made for the season. Watch your favorite specials or movies with them. Share your time and attention with the people you love and if you can, do some volunteer work to connect with others in your community.
The holiday season can be a very demanding time of the year, but simple lifestyle changes are usually enough to keep you alert, confident and together. Watch your diet, get plenty of rest, and manage stress so you’ll be ready to tackle all the shopping, parties and the many other holiday events and activities.
BAM! Be A Man. Do The Right Thing. Take Care Of Yourself And Your Family. Happy Holidays!
BAM! Be A Man. Do The Right Thing.
Be The DtRTy Guy!