If you have diabetes, exercise must be in your daily routine. This may be difficult for many people especially if exercise or some sort of activity was not part of your previous routine. There are many different reasons as to why exercise should be incorporated into your routine.
Exercise greatly helps lower risks for heart attack and stroke, along with other cardiovascular risk factors, and promote overall health.
It is essential that everyone exercises, but it becomes more necessary for those who have type 2 diabetes.
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends “at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week.”
Here Are A Few Things To Think About When Considering A New Workout Routine For Your Type 2 Diabetes:
Make A List Of Fun Activities
When you make a list of activities that you want to partake in, you begin to get more excited about starting your workout routine. You will have more options than usual, going to the gym or walking around the block.
With your list, you can experience new things and see if you like other activities rather than sticking to what you usually do. Sports, Dancing, yoga, and swimming are just a few ideas that you can add to your list. Anything that raises your heart rate will suffice for your daily activity.
Team Sports
If it is difficult for you to find motivation, setting up team sports may help you with your exercise goals. Have others help you remain accountable for your workout routine. You should only need this support system for the first 21 to 60 days or so, the amount of time it takes to create a habit.
Once you have gotten into the habit of working out or doing some activity, it will be harder to go a day without partaking in some activity that day. A good workout can also improve your sleeping and allow you to get a better night’s sleep.
Check Your Blood Sugar
Speak with your doctor to see when you should check your blood sugar level before your exercise. If you plan to work out for more than one hour, check your blood sugar levels regularly throughout your workout to know if you will need a snack. Check your blood sugar after every exercise to see where you need to adjust.
Talk With Your Doctor
Be sure to have a conversation with your doctor before you begin your workout regime. Let your doctor know what you want to do and what your goals are. Your doctor must ensure that you are ready for the increased activity and ensure that you are not overdoing it. Your doctor should also check to see if you need to change your meals to accommodate your insulin needs or diabetes medications.
Ease Into Your Routine
It is vital that you ease into your workout routines and not push yourself too hard. You must take care of yourself and begin working out safely and healthily. Understand that your results will not happen overnight, so be patient with your routine. There are plenty of opportunities to improve and to work towards your goals gradually.
Walking is a great way to incorporate moderate to vigorous activity into your routine. It is accessible on the joints and can be done anywhere, at any time. Walking is inexpensive to start doing, you need a good pair of walking shoes, and you are all set.
The great thing about walking is that you can dramatically reduce your risk of developing heart disease while reaching the AHA recommended amount of active time a week.
In a 2014 review, walking helped people with type 2 diabetes lower their blood sugar levels and promote weight loss (https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/news/20140805/fast-slow-walking-diabetes).
If you are Type 2 Diabetic you must find a way to fit 20-30 minutes of exercise actuvuity in your day, every day. Your life just may depend on it.
Make the effort. Make the time. You must. You and your loved ones are counting on you.
Be A Man – Do The Right Thing. It’s Your Life. It’s Your Choice. Take Care Of Yourself. Eat Right And Exercise.
BAM!!! Be A Man! Do The Right Thing.
Be the DtRTy Guy!