Family. Why Bother?

“Like It Or Not, Blood Is Thicker Than Water”

BAM! Be A Man. Family. Why Bother?

The Importance Of Family In Todays Modern Times

We may not realize it, and we all take it for granted at times, but a healthy family unit is extremely important for every human being. Our family members are those persons to whom we are related by blood. The importance of our connection to our family members is summarized by the old saying that “blood is thicker than water”. The people that make up the immediate family unit usually share the place they live in; they share their surnames and for a family with children, a major chunk of time of their lives is spent with each other as well. The family unit is very important to people as it is the first source that shapes you as a person. Your personality development is very much dependent upon it.

If a person has experienced a secure family life with lots of support, love and affection, he or she will be more outgoing and positively driven towards life. The family is the group of people each member of the family should be able trust and rely on. The people within your family are the people who can add and bring meaning to for your life. A person can survive through some very tough times if he or she has a loving and supportive family.

All of these factors and many more means that your family and the time that you spend with them should be of most importance to you. Psychologically, those people are stronger and better equipped to face the ups and downs of life who have a cohesive family unit with strong ties with each other. Support goes both ways. Make sure that you are doing your best to help foster the best from your family members.

Historic Cycle Of Life

The family unit is the most important social unit in many if not most of the countries of the world. Practically every culture promotes the concept of having a family life. These people who share their lives with us ought to be very important to us and deserving of our time and support. In one form or another, the family unit has been at the core of human evolution and development throughout history. A couple unites, has, takes of and raises children. The children in turn become adults and end up looking after the elderly parents.

The cycle goes around once more. Humanity continues. For this reason, the family unit is considered to be the most important unit from the point of view of demography. Every culture tries to promote the concept of a strong family unit as this is a major social strength of human beings. From our historic past, the family unit has been considered very important and today, on our modern world, the family unit should still be the most important part of anyone’s life.

My Family? Yeah, It’s Complicated

Today’s world is a changed and complicated world. Today’s world, in so many ways, is no longer like the world we lived in just fifty years back. It is much more innovative and global. The technology is much more advanced now. People, as well as the ways of life, have changed. The improvement in the field of science and technology has worked wonders in more than one dimension that affects our human life. As a result the pace of life certainly seems to be much faster.

This fast pace has hit the family unit directly. In many countries the average number of years a family used to spend together before the partial disintegration is shrinking. In most countries now, people leave their parents’ home earlier than when they did in the past.

In today’s world the importance and ongoing need of the family unit has increased as much as the unit has been damaged by the faster pace of life. People living in different countries now understand it much better that there are many benefits and good things attached to a sound family unit existence in the society.

The family unit structure in a country makes the people more responsible. As every one is related to every one else in a home, they help each other in doing everything together. The love people feel for their family members helps them to ignore and overcome the others shortcomings.

Family. Now. More Than Ever.

Although people understand the importance of family life today, the major issue is that the number of family units which are happy with each other is decreasing all around the globe. If we want to reduce such problems from our world today, we need to understand the practical importance of the family unit. We need our family ties today more than ever.

You are alive. By being alive, even if you do not have any children of your own, you have a family. If there is need, forgive them. Then find the way to connect with them or the ways to continue to connect with them. In our modern times, the members of our family can be in any corner of the world. One advantage that technology has given us is the ability to easily stay in contact with the people that we love. There is almost no excuse not to stay on contact with our family.

Do Not Be Criminal

If you are a father, not only is there no excuse for you not to stay in contact with and maintain a relationship with your children, it ought to be considered criminal if you don’t.


Family is important. Do all that you can to foster, grow and strengthen your familial bonds. Especially if you have children as they need it. If your family relationships are currently strained, find and take the small steps needed to slowly bridge the divide that has developed.

Keep in mind that with family, we may need to make some sacrifices. It is not always only about us. Our family, and especially our children also have needs that must be met. Whatever your story may be, BAM wishes you the best of success.

What about you? Have you been able to bridge a familial gap? If so, what steps have you taken? How long has it been on the “road to recovery”?

Be A Man – Do The Right Thing. Take Care Of Yourself And Your Family.

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