Rekindle The Romance: How You Can Romantically Reconnect With Your Partner

BAM! Be A Man. Couple Riding Bicycles.

Have you been with someone for a while and has the romance and passion waned in your relationship? This is a common phenomenon the longer that we are in a relationship with someone. After the excitement of the early phases of a relationship pass, things can become a little boring and routine. Lucky for you, however, you don’t need to resign yourself to just a ho-hum relationship.

There are many way to enhance the romance in your relationship. Imagine how great it would be to feel excited about your relationship again!

Start Rekindling The Romance Today With These 10 Tips:

1. Go To Bed Together.

Studies have shown that a few minutes of cuddling each night increases the bond between couples. Staying up late to watch the late show while your partner is in bed can have negative consequences.

2. Have A Weekly Date Night.

Relive one of your early dates. It’s a fun way to get out of the house and remember the excitement of getting to know each other. Depending on your situation, once a week may be too much, but making your date night a regular habit is a must. If you can get out weekly, great. If you can only get out once or twice each month, that’s okay, too.

3. Compliment Your Partner At Least Once Each Day.

When a couple starts dating, they keep all the negative opinions to themselves and let the compliments flow. Over time, the ratio tends to swing in the opposite direction. Make a consistent effort to say something nice to your significant other each and every day.

This will help fill your head with good things about your partner instead of the negative stuff that may drive your crazy.

4. Take A Shower Together.

Not only will you conserve water, you’ll spend some fun, quality time together. If you have time, take a bath instead. Where it goes afterwards is up to you! Wink wink!

5. Give Your Partner A Surprise.

It doesn’t have to be a new car. The surprise does not have to be anything expensive, at all. A simple note, a single flower, or other small gesture can make anyone’s day brighter.

6. Make A List Of Your Partner’s Positive Traits.

Over time it can become too easy for you to rattle off your partner’s characteristics that drive you nuts. However, you might have to stop and think about the qualities that you appreciate in them.

  • Spend a little time reflecting on their positive traits. Make a list of everything you like about your partner. Then make a list of everything you find attractive about your partner.
  • Again, we are trying to fill our head with the good stuff
7. Give Each Other A Massage.

We all need physical contact and it does not always need to be sexual. Although, a massage done right can certainly be a good way to start! So, make it a real massage, not just rubbing their shoulders while they watch television. Pick up some candles, massage oil, and do it properly. If you are going to massage them while watching TV, try giving them a foot and leg massage.

8. Find A Hobby You Both Enjoy.

Maybe you play poker with the boys while she goes out for wine with the girls. Why not find something to do that you can both enjoy? You could take an art class together, join a co-ed soccer team, or volunteer at the local animal shelter. When was the last you went to the zoo together, just the two of you?

9. Avoid Attacking The Other Person.

It’s not what you say but how you say it. There’s a difference between saying, “It drives me crazy when you leave the toothpaste open” and “What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you just close the damn toothpaste?” The first statement addresses the behavior. The second attacks the person. The difference in the response you receive is significant.

10. Change Up Your Sex Life.

After a while, most couples fall into a routine that leaves both parties less than enthusiastic. Change things up a little. Get a book and experiment. You might find the excitement coming back into your lovemaking.

  • You can start with item 4 and have that shower together!
  • If you are one to masturbate regularly, then hold off at least for a few days before your date night. Building up the anticipation helps keep your desire strong.

Section Conclusion

Being in a long-term relationship requires work. Increasing the level of romance in your relationship requires continual effort and commitment. Relive your cherished memories of the past and focus on your partner’s positive qualities. A daily compliment can open the doors to appreciating each other all over again. Give your relationship the time and energy it deserves. You will both be glad you did!

Do you feel that your romance levels are still stuck in low gear? Looking to maintain the level of romance in your relationship, then keep reading

4 Creative Ways to Develop And Maintain Your Romantic Streak

Being romantic can always helps to keep the spark in a relationship! You probably can agree to this statement, but maybe you feel like you lack an understanding of romance altogether. Different people can have different ideas and needs about what romance is and what they can do to level it up in a relationship. You may have you tried your hand at what you may have thought were romantic gestures, but came away from it thinking that you still haven’t quite mastered it just yet.

Romance is a topic that many people in a relationship feel uncertain about. So you’re definitely not alone with your insecurities.

It’s actually pretty easy to develop and refine your romantic streak. Romance takes nothing more than a little creativity and a genuine interest in treating and being with your significant other in a special way.

Try these tips to spark your romance:

1. Consider What Makes You Feel Loved And Appreciated.

Yes, you! Take a moment to think about what made you get those butterflies in the past. There was something about your partner that attracted you to them. You probably made romantic gestures then, so it is time for you to think about what special act caused the romance to bubble over back in the day?

  • Is there a special term of endearment your partner uses when speaking about you? Why not consider taking a similar approach? Be sure to have one for them too.
  • Perhaps those “I’m in love with you” hugs that feel different from the others could be reciprocated more often. In general, more hugs is always a good thing. Hold the hug for a couple of extra seconds. Look them in the eye and kiss them at the end of the hug. Then say I love you.
  • Did you dedicate a song to the day that the too of you met and fell in love? Are you married? What was the song that the two of you had your first dance together? Play it and dance again! Doing so would surely make anyone melt!
2. Understand Your Partner’s Likes.

Being romantic can be as simple as doing things your partner likes. Create a bucket list of those things to make it easier to think of romantic gestures.

  • Does your partner love to dine at a specific restaurant? Why not set a dinner date and have the restaurant bring out a love token on cue? Don’t wait for anniversaries or Valentine’s Day.
  • Everybody loves massages! Offer a massage when your partner least expects it.
  • Is there a favorite dessert your special person loves? Instead of buying it at the bakery, try making it yourself. There are likely plenty of recipes for that dish on the internet.
3. Be Yourself. And Allow Them To Be Themselves Too.

It’s possible you haven’t exactly mastered romance because you aren’t being yourself. It’s pretty difficult to “play a role” that you’re obviously uncomfortable playing.

  • If you enjoy when your partner dresses in alluring lingerie as a surefire way to spark romance be sure to take their feelings about it into consideration. If they feel uncomfortable parading around in lingerie, then try to find items that they are also comfortable and feel sexy in. Maybe all that is needed is for them to wear an oversize t-shirt with nothing else on underneath? The point here is that if they are wearing or doing something and are not feeling the mojo that can be one of the fastest way to kill romance!
  • For what you can do for them: It’s absolutely important to show that your gestures are genuine. Always choose things that you’re genuinely happy doing. One of the most significant victories comes when your partner realizes you’ve done it from the heart.
  • Sometimes all it takes is a little quality time. Show your partner that you’ve specially reserved time for just the two of you. Yes, you may have to have a conversation about real things with them. You do not have to share your deepest darkest secrets but try to talk with them about something that is meaningful to you.
  • Read a book and discuss your thoughts about the book. Even better! – Find a book that you can both read and then when you are done, share your thoughts about the book with each other.
4. Create Lasting Memories.

Once in a while, but regularly, do things together that are outside of your usual routine.

  • Make plans for an outing that you can reminisce on together years down the road. Being able to recall your romantic gestures helps to keep the spark alive! It can be as simple as a day-trip or a walk in the park. Is the circus or fair in town? Ride the ferris wheel or Mary-go-round together. Do some silly but fun childlike activities together.
  • Find ways to relive special moments from your past. Go back to a place you have been to together and do something new this time. Maybe the last time that you were there you skipped on something that was interesting to both of you. Do it this time. Have you been to Niagara Falls already? This time ride the Maid of The Mist or go to one of those goofy museums. You get the idea.
  • If you’ve arranged a special occasion, why not get it videotaped? You and your loved one can watch it over and over. Add your song to the sound track of the video.
  • Make a special event an annual occurrence. If it’s something that allowed the romance to spark, it’s a great idea to do it every year at the same time.


With these creative yet simple tips, you’re guaranteed to have ongoing romance in your relationship. Just remember that love and genuine desire to make your partner happy are key.

Keep it light and fun for both of you and maintain your sense of humor in all of it. It may not be prefect, but having moments where you can both share a knowing laugh about something is a sure way to create new bonds with your partner.

Start with one of the smaller simpler things. Then build on it. You have to make the effort and do romantic things once in a while and even daily. You love your partner. Show them. Telling them that you love them is good, but actions speak louder than words. Then, it can be smooth romantic sailing the rest of the way!

Read more about Romance In The Digital Age here.

Be A Man – Do The Right Thing. Be Bold. Be Loving. Rekindle Your Romance!

BAM!!! Be A Man! Do The Right Thing.

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